Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Women scorned

I'm so very tired of bitching about this but every once in awhile my green monster rears it's ugly head. Two years ago I had tubal reversal surgery. I got pregnant 6 months after but miscarried. I haven't been able to get pregnant since. I know tons of women who have had the surgery that have gone on to have successful pregnancies, some even twice. While I have always enjoyed being "special" I really wish I was average when it comes to being pregnant. LOL

I never gave pregnancy a second thought until my surgery. I was clueless as to how the whole fertile myrtle thing happened. When I think back now it might not have been so easy for me to get pregnant. There are 3 years between my first two. I never used BC on a regular basis. I guess if it took me three years to conceive then I shouldn't be shocked that I'm having such a hard time now. However, there is only two years and two months between the last two. HMMM maybe I'm realizing a pattern here. Oh where oh where are my patience!?! I have a hard time letting go and letting God. I don't think he likes that too much. I need to learn my lesson I guess.

1 comment:

Moohaa said...

I hear you sister, truly I do. I'm so happy for each woman that gets a bfp and even a second bfp. My heart, though, seems to break a little more each time. As much as I try to say we're done, it's still my heart's desire.
I love ya sis. And somehow I wasn't surprised to see your post today... I dreamed about you last night. How weird is that.